The Journey of Social Mining on Ferrum Network

Septian Maulana
4 min readJan 31, 2020


This is my Journey

First Join and First Workdrop

I’m joined to Ferrum Network Community on Dec. 20, 2019

First I came to Ferrum Network Social Mining Program, I don’t know anything

I don’t know how to buy cryptocurrency

I don’t know how to traded coin

I don’t know about Social Mining

I just know how to using twitter

That’s my first skill how to tweets

But I join with my local community is called Bina Digital Bangsa

Over there I learning about blockchain until now still learn and also I became one of Mentor for them member

So, I hodl $FRM since on Dec. 21, 2019

This my first tweet about Ferrum Network

I just focus for twitter points and also hope got new points from referral

Never focus about Ferrum Network product

So, I got little Workdrop but I’m happy for the first time I got money from Internet

First Workdrop

More Tweets and First Reddit Post

To much my homework after First Workdrop

How to increase my tweets get more up-votes and create high value to my Community

So I try looking new information from social mining guide and active member on social mining platform and I meet with Luznery Vera

I get some advice for social mining from her on twitter messages

3 step ways to improving your Social Mining Workdrop

  1. How much FRM you hold;
  2. How long you hold it for;
  3. Your valuable content contributions.

So my focus on her advice number 3, how to created valuable content

I try digging more about Ferrum Network with read whitepaper, follow FRM channel on telegram, also interacting on social mining group.

First post on Reddit

I have bad experience on Reddit because my first account got shadow banned from Reddit Admin.

I’m new and still greenie on Reddit, also my first language not english, hard to me understand several rules on Reddit.

So, I closed my account and try open new. Now, I’m only be carefully to posting anything on Reddit because easy way to became spammer.

This my account on Reddit u/tianbuyung1

Me on Reddit

Why Reddit?

  1. 50 points per post, you can collect 2 posts per day and 14 posts per week
  2. 30 points per comment, you can collect 3 comments per day and 15 comments per week

Maybe it’s easy to collect points but don’t be spammer.

Your post and comment must be comply with Ferrum Network rules.

My Reddit Points on Jan. 31, 2020

My tips on Reddit :

  • If you join with a forum on Reddit, read them rules first
  • Be normal member, don’t to much pump a product, like me to much pump up Ferrum Network, I got shadow banned
  • Try read this article advice from u/kinch07

After I work with more tweets and active on Reddit also create several activity

My workdrop also increasing more significant 4 times before

Second Workdrop

Change The Rules and More Team Task Request

After I enjoy with second workdrop

The rules of Ferrum Network social mining changed

Social Mining Update: Encouraging Value Creation

I became worried whether I could make more good content

Optimization My Tweets

I join with my local community Optimasi Jejaring Sosial in Bahasa.

How to created more valuable tweets.

Now, I can do that.

Finished all Team Task Request

All My Task is Approved

From this I got 4200 Points and 0.55 Reputations

Not only that with this task I explore new skill like

  1. Write article
  2. Create infographic
  3. Marketer skill

Join with more social media and and created them interconnected

Now, I focus on




My Value Just from Activity (Only from C-Board Validation)

This graphic not include points from Twitter, Reddit, Telegram, and Referral points

Only for validator process

So, I got holy grail from Ferrum Network

Unbelievable Workdrop

Third Workdrop

That’s my stories now and to be continue..

Join with me on Sign up here Ferrum Network Community

Call me on @tianbuyung



Septian Maulana

Translator, Content Creator, Crypto and Blockchain Enthusiast